Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

We had a very scary Easter Sunday. Tanja was unable to feel Connor moving last night and also this morning. So she called the Kaiser Advice Nurse and was instructed to come into the new Women's Health Center ASAP. When we got there, they hooked her up to monitors for both her heartbeat and Connor's. Fortunately, Connor had a good, strong heartbeat. Tanja's first blood pressure check was a little high, so they decided to watch for a while. In the meantime, though she couldn't feel Connor's movements, he was very active. We could both hear his movements through his monitor and see them through an ultrasound. This should have been it for the day. And after her blood tests came back negative for pre-clampsia (I know I didn't spell that right!), we thought we were going home. But they noticed something in Connor's heart rate. At one point, his heart rate decelerated. So they ordered a test where they had to induce contractions to test the strength of the placenta. After several cramps, Connor's heartbeat only dipped once (a failure of the test is to dip half the time). It was still very scary, especially with my wife being high risk because of her age. But, we were allowed to go home and she will be monitored twice a week for a while. An easy pregnancy (sans her bad back) had its first hic-up.